Originally recorded in 1994 at the London Wibbly Wobbly World Of Music as one part of a set of two; 'Secrets Of The Animal Kingdom and Mysteries Of The Deep', the release of this record was delayed and altered due to contractual commitments to China records.
On this LP all of the tunes are meant to represent and sonically describe a different creature and its habits - the cover art features one of the two Zion Train cats Cartman or Kenny - not sure which now!!
The recordings were made on the same studio rig as were 'Siren' and 'Natural Wonders Of The World In Dub'.
Tracklist and Further Info
1. Funnelweb
2. Wildboar
3. Gavial
4. Sea Otter
5. Wallaby
6. Fox
7. Rhinoceros
8. Condor
9. Elephant
10. Reindeer
11. Scorpion
12. Fiddler Crab
13. Crown Of Thorns
14. Manta Ray
All tracks (cod/tench/perch)